~1 year~

Lame btul x tulis kt blog neh...hampir setahun eh. Ntah angin ape yg buat sy decide utk tulis lg..Well, hampir setahun berlalu, starting from liburan(cuti) august last year..Adush..tetibe rase kangen(rindu) plak kat umah....Bilela bleh balik rumah lagi..Mungkin ade bagusnye, baru sekarang start tulis blog lagi..so blehla me'flashback' hari-hari yang telah berlalu..

Awal bulan neh mmg sy masih ade kat umah..enjoying my holidays with family and friends. Even not so many special events, i still miss the days...And in this month, me , sue dan azli went to Kedah, ke majlis pernikahan Yati, my fren kt jenan dulu. Actually, kalo ikutkan mmg we ol busy except me yg mmg pengangguran kat umah, tp bile lagi bleh pg ke kedah?I really miss my school, frens and teachers, so yati's wedding was a ticket for me to see them again....Well, agak kecewa jgk cz not all my schoolmates ade kt situ..Tp they ol mmg busy especially yg tgh get ready utk konvo..last2, yg betul2 bleh pergi from kl is me,sue and azli.

End of August, its time for me going back to Indonesia...sedeynye bukan main...yela, all my fren stil on holiday, and becoz of my family yg tgh cti and planning vacation to Indonesia, so terpakselah sy ikut skali...Serba salah jgk kalo biarkan diorg vacation sendiri..Even x terer cakap bhs jawa, i stil can understand..And i think my bahasa indonesia is quite good for a person who lives 4 years in indonesia. The vacation was great...starting from Surabaya-->Malang:my place, my university-->Batu: ladang apple, jatim park-->Gunung Berapi bromo:tido kat villa near the mount wif condition of super duper sejuk gle...-->Solo-->jogjakarta: the place is so HOT!!(nice place to visit with the hot air...kebiasaan dingin nya Malang)hahaha..Brobodur:the beautiful historical creature....--->Back to Surabaya again...The vacation ended with scene sinetron kat airport!!hahaha...lawak betol..all my family nak balik malaysia dah and only me, the one who stay back...uwaaaaaa....1st time sy nangis depan public kt airport..time tuh mmg dh terpikir yg bile la sy bleh balik ke malaysia lg..Jadi koas kan susah nk balik??Lg sedey tgk uwan(my granny) yang nangis...sedeynye....dalam hati sy berdoa semoga beliau dilanjutkan usia hingga sy bleh merawat dia layaknya seorang cucu +dokter.

The time is coming!!finally i become one of 'sarjana kedokteran'..uwaaa....x sangka!!4th dh berlalu and now time to face the real world of a doctor!...happy, nervous bercampur baur...xtau which one is the perfect feeling time neh.

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~Blog Owner~

makhluk kebosanan yg melalut mcm2 kat sini (tu pon kalau ade mood nak tulis...hehe)Org kate sy garang(appearance ok??besar tinggi kan??lagik2 kalo kerutkan kening..huhu)tp kalau dh borak2, org kate sy kelakar (suke buat org gelak neh mmg dh jd hoby).Sy adalah sy, yg buat ape pon ikut kepale sndri.Jgn xtau, sy ade title 'DR' kt depan name sy!!hehehe...tats y adek2 sy slalu pelik ngn sy. Even yg bongsu pon cakap, "Betol ke akak neh dokter??"..heheh..sory sis..this is d way i am.


~lets talk~

~5 month more to be a Doctor~

  • *Public Health dept.
  • *Emergency Medicine Dept.
  • *ENT Dept.
  • *Psychiatry Dept.